Building for Electrical Engineering "Kupferspule" | © Julia Tetzke/University Rostock
Campus Südstadt | © ITMZ/University Rostock
Biosciences building
University Library
Mensa (cafeteria) at the University of Rostock
Applicant Day 16/08/16
Female students | © ITMZ/University Rostock
Lecture hall at the University of Rostock
Chemistry lab | © ITMZ/University Rostock
MSF lab | © ITMZ/University Rostock

What's special about University of Rostock?
Founded in 1419, the University of Rostock is the oldest university in the Baltic Sea Region. True to its motto ‘Traditio et Innovatio’, the University of Rostock has continually developed over the years. An abundance of new buildings bear witness to the university’s modernity.

Ronja (23) is studying for a master’s in Ship Technology and Ocean Engineering.
Tell us: Why are you studying here?
“I’m interested in all things technical; mechanical engineering in Rostock is not just about cars. In the master’s degree course Ship Technology and Ocean Engineering, we have developed a device that measures the turbidity of a stretch of water. It’s brilliant if your degree course is that close to practice - what’s more, I have also learned to sail here.”
Virtual Visit
The ancient world meets the modern age at the University of Rostock - discover the university’s archaeological collection (photo: Bert Scharffenberg).
Tradition and Innovation
The founding faculties were the facultas artium (today’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities), the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine. With the introduction of the Faculty of Theology in 1432, the typical range of subjects for the historical studium generale was complete. In the mid-20th century, the Faculties of Agriculture, Economics and Social Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences were introduced, and in 1950 - back then a first at any of Germany’s classical universities - the Faculty of Engineering. At the beginning of 2004, the latter was split into a Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology and a Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
This means that the university now has nine faculties that are subdivided into numerous departments and clinics. Furthermore, the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research, as the central scientific institution, brings together researchers and students from all subject disciplines. This is where the university’s key fields of research are based, which have established themselves over the course of the university’s history. At the same time, this institution serves to refine the university’s profile by combining the strengths of various disciplines in cross-curricular communication and collaboration.
General Information
The University of Rostock is more of an insider tip than a university for the masses. Students who value a university with a long tradition that also has the courage for innovation are in the right place in Rostock. Approximately 13,300 students are currently studying for degrees at bachelor’s and master’s level, in degree courses that end with the Staatsexamen (State Examination) - i.e. teacher-training, medicine and dentistry - and the Magister degree course at the Faculty of Theology. They have chosen from an unusually broad range of subjects and over 170 degree courses in various fields of study.
Research beyond Faculty Limits
In recent years, by adapting its profile to allow for more cross-faculty interdisciplinary research, the University of Rostock has made substantial and organisational changes to allow for an innovative and competitive approach to the future challenges of society. This process included, in particular, the pooling of competencies and research activities at the cross-faculty departments that belong to the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research (INF). The founding of INF is a unique characteristic of the University of Rostock. It combines research resources and interests in cross-faculty focus areas to make ideal use of the local interdisciplinary potential and provide a multiplicity that is linked by specific ties.

Key Fields of Interdisciplinary Research
The “Life, Light and Matter” Department looks at fundamental issues related to energy, material and life sciences. It investigates atomic and molecular processes and uses laser optics to approach medical questions.
The “Maritime Systems” Department investigates the influence of global and regional changes on coastal areas, the use of maritime systems and methods for the sustainable development and management of coastal and marine areas.
The “Ageing of Individuals and Society” Department is looking for new solutions to enable independent and self-determined life at old age, whilst remaining in good health and being fully integrated in society.
The “Knowledge - Culture - Transformation” Department approaches issues concerning the relationship and development of culture and knowledge, both from a synchronic and diachronic perspective.
Rostock – the Perfect Study Location
Last but not least - the Hanseatic City of Rostock offers a fantastic student life. In spite of its long Hanseatic history, Rostock is a young and vibrant city. With its population of 200,000, Rostock is just the right size for a university town: the city centre, halls of residence, the cafeterias and departments can be reached easily on foot, by bike or using public transport. Rostock’s popular trendy quarter - the Kröpeliner-Tor-Vorstadt - has everything a student needs with various cafés, bars and clubs. And don’t forget that Warnemünde and thus the Baltic Sea, is just around the corner!