What's special about University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg?
The University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg is particularly popular with students who enjoy studying in a close community and who feel more at home in a small town with approximately 65,000 inhabitants than in a large city. You will bump into fellow students on campus, get to know each other quickly and you never have far to go. If you feel like a city-trip, you can use the good train connection from Neubrandenburg to Berlin. Since it was founded in 1991, the university of applied sciences has established itself as the academic and scientific centre at the heart of the district Mecklenburgische Seenplatte.

Virtual Visit
Have you ever seen heads at work from a bird’s-eye view? Move our 360° image and join UAS Neubrandenburg’s students of Nature Conservation and Landuse Planning on their excursion (Photo: Bert Scharffenberg)!
The Faculties
- Agriculture and Food Sciences
- Landscape Sciences and Geomatics,
- Social Work and Education
- Healthcare, Nursing, Administration
There are more than 35 bachelor’s, master’s and continuing professional development degree courses on offer. Awarding successful students both professional qualifications and a bachelor’s degree, the dual degree programmes Nursing Science/Nursing Management, Agriculture and Food Technology are particularly practice oriented. UAS Neubrandenburg focuses on practice-oriented teaching and applied research. That’s why its staff and students also work together closely with the region’s businesses and institutions. The university also has strong international ties: UAS Neubrandenburg has more than 50 university partnerships that reach as far away as Argentina and China.
There are no long distances on the university’s campus. Everything is within walking distance: whether it’s the teaching and laboratory facilities with their modern equipment, the Library, the Centre for Information and Media Technology or the Language Centre. Even the four halls of residence, the Student Club and the Mensa (Cafeteria) and Snack Bar are just a stone’s throw away from wherever you are on campus. The students themselves develop many good ideas to guarantee a diverse student life. For example, they initiated the students’ own radio station H.i.R.N, the Student Club and the university cinema.
Family-Friendly & Welcoming
The family-friendly university supports its students by helping them find suitable childcare. Students are grateful for the further offers such as career-planning and competence development, coaching for start-ups, or StudiumPlus.
Approximately 2,200 students profit from UAS Neubrandenburg’s excellent supervision. The International Office arranges “Buddies” to help international students settle in fast and get to know their university town and the surrounding region. The Buddies also accompany our international newcomers to the authorities or organise weekend outings and leisure activities.
Unique and Demand-Based Degree Courses
In recent years, UAS Neubrandenburg has made itself a name with its model degree courses that are unique to Germany. These include “Childhood pedagogy” or vocational pedagogy. By expanding and developing its range of courses, the university has reacted to requests and demands from the regional economy and to the federal state’s demographic change. The courses on offer have been complemented by the correspondence course “Applied Business Administration” at bachelor’s level since 2013 and the correspondence course “Organisational Development and Inclusion” at master’s level since 2014.
Have we whet your appetite for studying at UAS Neubrandenburg? Get in contact with UAS Neubrandenburg’s Academic Counselling and Course Enquiries here.
The Lake is at Your Doorstep
We might not have the sea, but Lake Tollense with its breathtaking nature and beautiful setting is just a short stroll from campus. It is one of the Mecklenburg Lake District’s most beautiful lakes and attracts visitors to its three beaches. If you haven’t taken to water sports yet, you might well do during your studies in Neubrandenburg. Several sports clubs and societies base their activities on, in or around water.
Aside from its substantial leisure and recreational value, the lake is very popular with students, especially every year in May when teams from the faculties compete for the cup and the first places at the Dragon Boat Race.
Lake Reitbahn in the north of the town is even equipped with a water-ski park and tennis courts near to the beach.